Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Food for Thought

Stole this from here. I think I'll use it for my mantra for the next while:

I’ve had to learn self-discipline, the courageous act of refusing to yield to my own wild impulses, which would have me flee from uncomfortable circumstances.

Something to think about.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Food Disappointment


11:40 Here's something I haven't figured out how to deal with: what if the food I'm eating doesn't meet my taste needs? For example, I'm eating Healthy Choice Sesame Glazed Chicken right now for lunch. It's really tasty, but kind of sweet. I don't want sweet for lunch. Will I just accept that I can't have what I want, or will I later try to capture the taste I really wanted with another food? Stay tuned...


So I started this on Friday & then totally forgot I even had this blog. Sheesh! I did NOT try to make up for my disappointing lunch - it was filling so I just went from there.

Yesterday I tried something different (that I used to do EVERY DAY back when I was losing weight successfully) - oatmeal for breakfast. It was pretty good & meant that I drank water instead of diet Sundrop. Which meant that I drank more water yesterday than I have been. I think it's a good strategy - & I'll soon get over the muzzy feeling I had at not getting caffiene until lunchtime. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day I Don't Care Anymore...

You may have noticed a lack of updates for the last couple of days. It isn't because I've eaten any differently (no cookie dough!). I just don't feel like it's really accomplishing what I had hoped. I'm still going to write down what I eat for my own self, but I'll use this space as more of a journal. So I might not write every day. And I might end up making this a private journal. We'll see!

So, I feel EXTRA fat today! My jeans are really tight and I feel quite cow-like. But I did manage to gazelle for 15 minutes last night (I gazelled like the wind tortoise!). I'm hoping that the button of my jeans pressing into my belly all day will make me consider before eating something when I'm not actually hungry. I'll let you know how it went tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 13

OK, I'm officially tired of writing down all my food. Nobody but me really needs to know how many funsize snickers I ate today. But... ok, I'll at least sort of write what I ate today - again I didn't keep track of times.

JD Turkey Sausage muffin
cranberry juice
the same lunch as yesterday (minus the salad)
small bag of bridge mix
rice, turkey meatballs, green beans
Halloween candy

Notes: I'm too sleepy to write any notes. :)