Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Christmas Miracle

I just weighed in on my dad's scale & I'm down 2.6 pounds. I told him that I'm stealing his scale - it can't possibly be an actual real weight loss.

Merry Christmas all - see you next week!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Quick Update

I only gained .6 as a result of my crazy week last week, but the eating continued through the weekend, so I don't expect great results this Thursday. However, considering the time of year I'm pleased with ANY thoughts of paying attention to what I eat.

One thing that I must (and WILL!) work on during this holiday season is doing some walking or Gazelling every day - otherwise Mike will be having to drag me around Chicago when we go in 2  1/2 weeks. I can get a little fitter in two weeks, can't I? Oh curse the slug that is me!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Weigh-In Day (Cue Jaws Music)...

Well, for Week 1 I'm down 4.6 pounds. I'm pretty pleased with that - but I do know that the loss is always much bigger on the 1st week.

I have to admit that the end of the week was a lot tougher than the beginning - I have SUCH a sweet tooth. I counted everything, but still... do you think if I figured out which tooth craved the sweet & then had some oral surgery??? No?

Friday, December 2, 2011

It's Day Two on the Island...

And already the natives are getting restless... Well, I guess it's just me who's restless. Ha! But I'm tracking and I'm wearing my tightest jeans, so things are still ok so far.

Did you know that a Payday bar is 7 points? That's the same number of points as my breakfast sandwich. Food for thought. Literally!

All right - let's head into the weekend with a postive attitude! Go team! Heh.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How many times do you start over?

As many as it takes I reckon. I signed up for WW online again this morning. I was going to go to meetings, but I decided that I didn't want to spend that extra money this close to Christmas AND I don't want to go to meetings. I like them once I'm there but I resent the heck out of HAVING to go. So I'll do online for a while & then consider meetings again in the spring when the weather's better & it's not dark when I get off of work.

So right this minute I'm eating a yummy breakfast of plain oatmeal made with skim milk & a chopped apple. I added cinnamon & 7 whole almonds (that's how many you can have for 1 point). The whole meal is 7 points, which seems high, but it needs to last me all morning. And my lunch (a can of soup) is only 4 points, so that helps.

You know, the human brain is very interesting. I could tell myself that I know how to eat in a healthy manner, but without the accountability of tracking my food & weighing in every week I just won't do it. I've got some faulty wiring up in there. Back before mom died I had just about gotten the wiring fixed, but I let the stress of  that undo all my hard work. I say poo on that! I'm going to be at my goal weight & feeling good about myself by my 50th birthday.


OK, I have to go hyperventilate now. Sheesh!