Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Let's just virtually eat that eclair over there...

In the past 10 days of being on plan I've utilized a tool that I've never had in my toolbox before: virtual eating. I would have a thought (oh wow, some onion rings would be really tasty right now!), and then I would imagine dipping the onion ring into ketchup & taking a big bite. Oh that was good! I did the same thing with Big Boy's hot fudge cake the other night. I even felt the sharp pain of ice cream hitting my sensitive teeth. I'm doing it now, imagining what a slice of birthday cake would taste like (actually, it doesn't go at all with the cantaloupe I'm eating in real life).

I hope I can hang onto this skill, because I have an impulsive sweet tooth & it would be a lot better for me if I can just imagine eating my craving instead of giving in to it. Can I really have my cake & not eat it too?

Stay tuned for the further adventures of The Bug's Mental Buffet!


Anonymous said...

You crack me up, gurl!

Snowbrush said...

I saw on another blog that you're an Episcopalian. I am too, kind of. I also see that you're from the South. Where in the South? I'm from 60 miles below Jackson, Mississippi, but I too got transplanted, in my case to the Willamette Valley. Since you like to grow things, you might do very well here.

The Bug said...

Snowbrush - you've found me on my inactive blog (which I should just hide because I'm not posting over here).

I'm from NC - not too far from Charlotte. We moved to Ohio in 1997 so that my husband could pursue his Ph.D in history. As luck would have it, he found a teaching job in Ohio so here we remain :)

Tara said...

I found that if I stayed away from the good bad stuff long enough, I lost my taste for it. Much more yummy to eat cantalope. Truly. Keep up the good work!

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